Archive for Design

Everything and nothing

You can spend your time on everything. Every job that comes your way, every person who asks you for a favor, every single task. Nobody’s going to stop you from doing, experiencing, becoming everything. Yet in becoming everything, we lose our selves. Perhaps to find…

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Monday musing on the industrial substrate – 4/17/23

The world we live in today is built on top of an industrialized substrate that was created in the early 20th Century. From education, to business, to governance, we’ve been building on top of this substrate for over a hundred years without questioning it. And…

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Monday musing on games and alternatives – 4/10/23

Computer games, more so than many other artistic mediums, are bound by their delivery mechanisms. Think of the last five games you’ve played, and how you’ve interacted with them. Quite likely, your experience went something like this: your hands engaged with a standard control interface…

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Monday Musing on Artifice

Innovation has been reduced to simply building upon existing industrial-era systems and methods, as has disruption. Think about it – can you name a single instance of disruption that did not rely on an already-established industrial system? We must go beyond this surface level and…

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Monday Musing on Extinction of Experience – 3/27/23

“I believe that one of the greatest causes of the ecological crisis is the state of personal alienation from nature in which many people live. We lack a widespread sense of intimacy with the living world. Natural history has never been more popular in some…

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Monday Musing on Insight – 3/20/23

A successful new theoretical idea typically alters and extends the existing body of theory to allow for observational facts that could not previously be understood or incorporated. It also makes possible new predictions that can some day be tested. Almost always, the novel idea includes…

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Monday Musing on the Sony Walkman – 3/13/23

Sometimes our expectations of what a thing is, or rather, what it should be blind us to the possibilities of what it could become. These expectations can prevent us from understanding the true potential of an object, and lead us to miss out on opportunities…

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Monday Musing on Making Makerspaces – 3/6/23

I often get asked: What are some resources where I can learn about makerspaces in higher education, in my K-12 institution, or just in general? So! Here’s a short toolkit for educational makerspace leaders that includes list of things I’ve collected, written about, and read…

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Monday musing on making and play – 2/27/23

The way we look at the world is influenced by our experiences and preconceptions. We use them to understand something new and to develop perspective. In doing so, we synthesize information from one context to inform another.   The experiences that I often find myself…

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Friday Links and Objects of Interest – 2/24/23

This week we have quite a few readings on AI, because, well it’s experiencing an explosion of growth around the world. Another thing that seems to be seeing its day in the sun is one of my favorite topics — object oriented ontology. Lots of…

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