This project was a cross between hardware development/design, game design, and embodied interaction. Developed for the company MapR (acquired by HP), I worked with members of the makerspace I co-founded — Workshop 88 — to create an interactive experience that would take place during the conference Big Data Everywhere. Attendees wore custom circuit boards developed by Workshop 88 as conference badges at the event. The badges contained a transceiver that allowed them to communicate with one another, as well as computer hubs set up throughout the event.
The conference took place in the aftermath of the ebola outbreak in Africa, and the game was designed to highlight the impact of viral outbreaks on social structures. As the event wore on, the badges slowly spread a virus to one another as they came into close contact with others. Computer hubs/kiosks displayed an interactive visualization of the viral spread designed using D3.js. My work on the game included programming, data visualization in D3, and game and level design.