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Design Cards Application, pt. 1

Design Cards Application, pt. 1

Have you ever been stuck on a project and couldn’t find a way out? When I first started teaching game design at DePaul University, I discovered a book by Jesse Schell called The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses. It introduced me to…

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From Game Design to Hardware Innovation

Here’s a talk I gave on early work I’ve been noodling on. The basic premise is: all objects have affordances, computers have unique affordances, and what if we applied those concepts of computing and affordances (Janet Murray) to the selection of hardware components?   CrowdSupply…

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How do you start believing (again)?

Belief requires trust and wonder. But, what happens when you’ve lost both? It seems like we’re in a time where both trust and wonder are at an all time low. Social media and fragmented networks have caused us to be more mistrustful and suspicious of…

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Everything and nothing

You can spend your time on everything. Every job that comes your way, every person who asks you for a favor, every single task. Nobody’s going to stop you from doing, experiencing, becoming everything. Yet in becoming everything, we lose our selves. Perhaps to find…

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The Peace of Wild Things

When despair for the world grows in me and I wake in the night at the least sound in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be, I go and lie down where the wood drake rests in his beauty on the…

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  • 6 November 2019; Sophia The Robot, Robot, Hanson Robotics, right, and David Hanson, Founder, Hanson Robotics Ltd.,
 on Centre Stage during day two of Web Summit 2019 at the Altice Arena in Lisbon, Portugal. Photo by Vaughn Ridley/Web Summit via Sportsfile

    6 November 2019; Sophia The Robot, Robot, Hanson Robotics, right, and David Hanson, Founder, Hanson Robotics Ltd., on Centre Stage during day two of Web Summit 2019 at the Altice Arena in Lisbon, Portugal. Photo by Vaughn Ridley/Web Summit via Sportsfile

Friday links and objects of interest – 5/12/23

We’ve been selling our house, and so I’m playing a few weeks of catch-up here. Friday links come first: — Disease isn’t something that just happens instantaneously, it’s your body being unable to fight off whatever’s happening to it. Welcome to “Your Body’s Never Not…

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Monday musing on the industrial substrate – 4/17/23

The world we live in today is built on top of an industrialized substrate that was created in the early 20th Century. From education, to business, to governance, we’ve been building on top of this substrate for over a hundred years without questioning it. And…

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Friday links and objects of interest – 4/14/23

  — Daniel Suarez has a great series of sci-fi books I’ve been catching up on. The first book in the series, Delta-V, is excellent and I’d highly recommend it. I got into Suarez’s work back when I read Daemon and then Freedom(TM), and can…

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Monday musing on games and alternatives – 4/10/23

Computer games, more so than many other artistic mediums, are bound by their delivery mechanisms. Think of the last five games you’ve played, and how you’ve interacted with them. Quite likely, your experience went something like this: your hands engaged with a standard control interface…

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Friday links and objects of interest – 4/7/23

It was over a decade ago that I started my first NFP (non-profit). Since then, I’ve chaired various NFP organizations or served as an officer or administrator within them. Something’s changed over that time — they’ve gotten more ravenous. Desirous of funding at any cost…

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